Ivan Ivanchuk Small blog about software.
How to develop un-analyzable PL

So, today I want to tell you how you should develop a programming language that will never surrender to a static analyzer. After all, we all know that static analysis is bad, quality control is for those who cannot write clean code, and all unit tests should be written by...


How to get into Coq?

First of all, this is a guide for macOS users. I’m sorry: I am physically unable to create a manual for other operating systems. Disclaimer – I hope you know what homebrew is. First step We have to install coq on our machine. Best way to do it – opam....


Сomplete (almost) guide to setup Rultor

Well, if you are reading this, you probably know what Rultor is. But for some reason, you don’t understand how to set it up. I also have a template repository in case I start a new project, it’s already a bit set up. You can fork it and use. Well,...


My work environment.

Let’s see… Well, at first I want to start with the most important thing for writing code, obviously the computer. Here my eye fell on Mac, or rather late 2021 MacBook Air with M1 chip. It is quiet, or to be exact, silent, close to the power I need, and...


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